Dealing with Guilt and Grief: Abortion Recovery Care

Did you know that along with ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and diapers, we offer Abortion Recovery Care at our local center?

This service offers real and tangible support for women dealing with the complex emotions related to having an abortion. As supporters of the PRC, we hope you know how important it is to not only work towards supporting women who are considering an abortion but also caring for those stricken with the guilt and grief related to the procedure. As a Christian ministry, we know that these women can find forgiveness in the Lord. But, let’s go further than forgiveness. We want to see women set free from the pain and sorrow associated with the loss of their children.


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Mark Your Calendars for This Year's Walk for Life!

We hope you are excited about this year's Walk for Life which is just around the corner! On April 27th, dozens of people will walk through a local Tracy neighborhood to show their support of life - for mothers in crisis, and invaluable children.

This annual event directly provides for the local Pregnancy Resource Center of Tracy. You can be sure that the support you offer places pregnancy tests in the hands of our clients, puts diapers on beautiful babies, provides ultrasounds for women and, ultimately, changes lives for generations to come.


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