Do you accept material donations?

Yes! We accept donations of essential items such as baby clothes, blankets, car seats, diapers, formula, etc. We recommend that you use our Amazon Wish List to purchase items or as a reference for your purchase elsewhere.

Do you accept used items?

No, we do not accept used items. We often recommend Tracy Interfaith for donations of used items. 

What are some of your immediate needs?

Currently, we are in need of monthly donor support, size 5 & 6 diapers, and baby wash. 

Do you ever have baby showers?

From time to time, we have organizations that like to hold baby showers for PRC. We love this! If you are interested, reach out and let us know.

Can you come and talk to my church group?

We would love to come and talk to your congregation, small group, Bible study, youth, missions board or other group at your church about PRC of Tracy.